荒物型錄Found and Made

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This installation consists of many small pieces; the number of components and their relational positions may be adjusted for exhibition according to conditions of actual gallery space.

The idea was inspired by the quote by Anton Chekhov, “Only entropy comes easy”. Entropy as a thermodynamic quantity is often interpreted as the degree of randomness in the system; it is a gradual decline into disorder, a punishment for depleting energy. While rustic iron may be the perfect representative for entropy, it is also the oldest and the liveliest pigment in human history.

Living is connected with dying; it changes and regenerate through oxidisation and reduction. Hence with various techniques of structuring fibres, I reconstruct the pieces of rustic iron that I found randomly in life, and tentatively create some text.

This creation came from death, went through rebirth, and once again is on its way to decay.